May 31, 2009

How do you spend your Saturday Nights?

How do you spend your Saturday Nights?

Well, I've gotta say that before we had any kids, we would go to the movies every weekend, unless there was something else going on. After we had kids...well..let's just say that "going to the movies" is a big thing now!
So, I actually spent this past Saturday shopping at Walmart! Amazing how your life changes once you have kids! As I was waiting in line to checkout, I thought to myself: "I love shopping at walmart by myself (no kids)" Don't get me wrong, I like going out with my family and my girls, but sometimes you just need to go out shopping alone!
I was so into in what I was doing that I lost track of time! and heard over the speaker when the guy said "Good evening shoppers, the time is 10pm and the fitting rooms are now closed" I got there around 7:30pm and just lost track of time!
So, things change, life changes, we also change! for the better.