May 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

There's always a magical feeling when you stand here..
You can also visit wordless wednesday and 5 min for mom


Doing the Mom Thing said... 1

Oh, I can't wait to take my daughter there someday!

Traci Michele said... 2

Some day we will go there as a family! So fun :-)

Queen Bug said... 3

We have 2 more years before we go. Waiting for the children to be old enough, but I believe there is a magical feeling when you're there. You can get that by the picture alone.

Happy WW! :)

Deb said... 4

Love it! Last time I was at Disney was on our honeymoon almost exactly 10 years ago (this weekend). Can't wait to take my girls there someday! :)

Genevieve said... 5

oh I agree, always a magical moment to stand in that spot!

beautiful photo!

happy ww!

Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said... 6

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I do appreciate it.

We're waiting for our boys to get older so they remember their visit to Disney...and that just gives us more time to "plan and save" for such a trip ;) We're in Ohio so Fl or CA would be a haul!

I'm a full-time mummy said... 7

Hello Jessica!

Greetings from Malaysia again! Just want to say thank you for dropping by my blog on my SITS day. You can read the aftermath of my whole day SITting episode at this link:

Thank you again and hope to see you back here sometime! :D

Warmest Regards,
Jenny aka I'm a full-time mummy

Btw, the picture is beautiful! :)

Stephanie said... 8

Oh I want to go back!!