May 18, 2010

80's Toys at Target?

I was shopping at Target and came across some "80's toys" as soon as I saw them it was like something in my brain clicked..and I thought "Oh yeah! I remember this"
Here's what I saw...

This one must be from late 70's or early 80's I don't remember this one.

Who didn't have one of these cute telephones!

Raggedy Ann?? I haven't seen her in ages!

I remember this has London Bridge song..

Rainbow Brite?! this was so popular back then, they even had cartoons of her!

What a difference in today's toys and the ones from our childhood...


Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 1

I think the first one was from the early 70's. My oldest brother played with it. My mom still has it in wonderful condition!

Stephanie said... 2

Oh my gosh, those are the best!
Foun you through DListed and thought I would pop over and say Hello! Glad I did:)

Amaria said... 3

Found you om MomLoop.
Toys from the "good old days!" What did we DO with them??
Today's toys are the reason I opened my Etsy shop!

Muthering Heights said... 4

Isn't that FUN?? :)